Welcome to my "Stars of the Bible" blog on information dealing with Bible prophecy and our current military technology. I started this blog in 2011 with an examination of all the different stars found in the Bible. You can find this information in the blog archive under June 2011.
My intent with this blog was to provide some military explanations of the prophecies found in the Bible. However, I started preparing a series of lessons for church groups and friends. I returned to this blog in 2020 and decided it would be a good place for anyone to access the information in my lessons. A total of 7 lessons can be found in the blog archive. They are:
Jan 2020 Lesson 1 Indicators of Christ's Return
Lesson 2 Prophecy Overview
Lesson 3 The Four Horsemen (part 1, 2, and 3)
Feb 2020 Lesson 4 When the Stars Fall (part 1 and 2)
Mar 2020 Lesson 4 When the Stars Fall (part 3 and 4)
Apr 2020 Lesson 5 War with the Beast (part 1 and 2)
May 2020 Lesson 6 Kingdoms of the World
Lesson 7 A Time of God's Wrath (part 1 and 2)
I hope you find the information in these lessons a valuable source for understanding Bible prophecies that are being revealed to our generation. The military descriptions in Revelation pinpoint our generation as the final generation before Christ's return. The difficult aspect of most Bible prophecies is identifying the peoples, nations and kingdoms that are represented by the symbols found in the Bible. In these lessons, some theories have been postulated about the nations participating in the final wars. These theories are based on current military technology and the present day geopolitical alignment.
A timeline of events found in Revelation and other passages of the Bible was created and correlated to historical events. This correlation reveals that Christ has already opened the first four seals and we are currently living in the fourth seal which is described as the "green horse". The color green which historically represent the Islamic religion indicates that this religion will have authority over one fourth of the earth. The world population of Islam in the year 2020 was estimated at 24.9% or one forth of the earth. The fifth seal that Christ opens, will be an event that occurs in heaven and is not visible to the world. The next visible event for the world to see will be when Christ opens the sixth seal - a nuclear war using Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs). The day of this nuclear attack signals the beginning of the last 3 1/2 years before Christ's return. It also points out what will happen to the United States and the role christian nations will play in defending Israel and reaping the final end time harvest for Jesus Christ.
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