Monday, March 30, 2020

Lesson 4 - When the Stars Fall (part 3)

Technology and Bible Prophecy

Technical Insights for

Bible Prophecy


Dwight Wickersheim


Lesson 4 – When the Stars Fall (part 3)

The 144,000s Bond-Servants Sealed for Protection

·       Are the descriptions for the Bond-Servants Literal or Symbolic?

o   144,000 Christians only from the 12 Tribes of the Sons of Israel - Rev. 7 and 14

o   12,000 are numbered from each Tribe

o   They have not been defiled with women (chaste) – Rev. 14:4

o   These have been purchased from among men as first fruits to God and the Lamb - Rev. 14:4

o   No lie was found in their mouth; they are blameless – Rev. 14:5

·       Some of the descriptions are Symbolic about the bride in Christ

o   The Greek words for 144,000 and 12,000 are plural in all places they are used and should be interpreted 144,000s and 12,000s.  The numbers 144 and 12 are symbolic numbers used to describe the Bride in the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21).  The numbers should be interpreted as thousands of 144 which represents the bride of Christ.

o   The twelve tribes of Israel are not all represented here, Dan is missing and replaced with Manasseh.  The order of the Tribes listed by John do not match any other order previously given in the Bible. 

o   The 10 northern Tribes were dispersed from Israel by Assyria and never returned back to Israel.

o   Dr. Joseph A Seiss has noted that all Jewish names are significant, these in Revelation have a specific definition and order that symbolized the true believer in Christ.  The definition of the names are:

o   Judah – confession or praise of God

o   Reuben – viewing the Son

o   Gad – a company

o   Aser – blessed

o   Nephtali – a wrestler or striving with

o   Manasseh – forgetfulness

o   Simeon – hearing and obeying

o   Levi – joining or cleaving to

o   Issachar – reward or what is given by way of reward

o   Zebulun – a home or dwelling-place

o   Joseph – added or an addition

o   Benjamin – a son of the right hand, a son of old age

o   The symbolic meaning of the names results in – “Confessors or praisers of God, looking upon the Son, a band of Blessed ones, wrestling with forgetfulness, hearing and obeying the word, cleaving unto the reward of a shelter and home, an addition, sons of the day of God’s right hand, begotten in the extremity of the age.”

o   The church of Christ is pure and blameless and will be the first fruits from men unto God at the first resurrection – Rev. 14:4, James 1:18, Rom. 8:23, 1 Cor. 15:23,24

o   The 144,000s Sealed Bond-Servants represent all believers in Christ living at the end of this age.

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